2011-12-15 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Broken hotspot :-(

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 32ea89b0512d77177322be3617d783c57d53a14f509a50a7cbd68dd7b9482f71
Message ID: <4EEA8F5A.5050605@gmail.com>
Reply To: <99DF9CFBA2E2D947A37658DFB2AE72BB2431742C@G9W0717.americas.hpqcorp.net>
UTC Datetime: 2011-12-15 17:22:50 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 08:22:50 +0800

Raw message

Hi Glyn

On 16/12/11 05:19, Pollington, Glyn wrote:
> Hi All
> I have been running a test setup of the hotspot in my house for a 
> while and I will soon be installing it in a local pub for some real 
> testing, but it seems to be broken and I can't see what is wrong.
> I recently updated using the standard "sudo apt-get update; sudo 
> apt-get upgrade" command, and it seemed to do some upgrades to dhcp, 
> but I find that clients no longer get to the login screen.
I've not made any public changes recently, so if it did an update it 
could be a normal security update. When you say dhcp, do you mean the 
dhcp3 client that is installed in Ubuntu, or a dhcp server? The only 
"dhcp" server that should be running is dnsmasq, which from your picture 
below does appear to be running.
> I have a machine account set up for my iPod Touch and that still 
> connects and gets through to the internet no problem, but any other 
> client fails to get to the login and just reports dns errors.  I think 
> the problem lies around the VPN as can be seen from this screenshot of 
> the system status screen, but I can't work out what might have changed 
> to break it.  Clients get an ip address and can ping but even 
> going to that address in a browser fails to get to the 'it works' 
> screen. Any attempt to go to a web page just fails with a dns error.
> I am not very familiar with Linux so would be grateful for any 
> assistance to help me get this working again as I am supposed to be 
> installing it over the coming weeks.

The first thing to check is the internet access on the Grase Hotspot 
server. Looking at the screenshot you have taken, it doesn't appear to 
be able to even get a connection to the internet. The VPN not working is 
nothing to worry about as it doesn't rely on the vpn to operate. 
However, as you can see in your screenshot, the gateway is reachable, 
but the internet is not (Internet (Google SA) and Internet (Google All))

What ip address are clients getting? If they can ping, there is 
no reason they shouldn't be able to get the "It works" page.

Also, that server monitor page is a little outdated as the note at the 
top says, what does the /grase/radmin/ status page (first one when you 
login) show?

