2011-12-15 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Broken hotspot :-(

Header Data

From: “Pollington, Glyn” <Gl***n@hp.com>
Message Hash: a76b5e726112688cc98fd7c09363d9c1734c05bf12a066f2cc01a4fe97d0fdfc
Message ID: <99DF9CFBA2E2D947A37658DFB2AE72BB2431742C@G9W0717.americas.hpqcorp.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2011-12-15 14:19:19 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 21:19:19 +0000

Raw message

Hi All

I have been running a test setup of the hotspot in my house for a while and I will soon be installing it in a local pub for some real testing, but it seems to be broken and I can't see what is wrong.

I recently updated using the standard "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" command, and it seemed to do some upgrades to dhcp, but I find that clients no longer get to the login screen.

I have a machine account set up for my iPod Touch and that still connects and gets through to the internet no problem, but any other client fails to get to the login and just reports dns errors.  I think the problem lies around the VPN as can be seen from this screenshot of the system status screen, but I can't work out what might have changed to break it.  Clients get an ip address and can ping but even going to that address in a browser fails to get to the 'it works' screen. Any attempt to go to a web page just fails with a dns error.

I am not very familiar with Linux so would be grateful for any assistance to help me get this working again as I am supposed to be installing it over the coming weeks.

Thanks in advance.


