2012-01-20 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Problem with the installation

Header Data

From: Oscar Saiz <os***z@telefonica.net>
Message Hash: a2b962d9984c7fd8aa82a3f7eba945578e1a87d6a971e428ba03e8258dab4b99
Message ID: <C0FFF66886A549CC8B7065F499D9F020@PC>
Reply To: <CAESLx0+_GHBTQcFofOFUnS-BgDk9X6MyoL2b4WYYeSFhDO_GxA@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-01-20 13:18:58 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 21:18:58 +0100

Raw message

Hello Tim,
I've tried to install grase hotspot in UBUNTU SERVER AND GUI 11.04, 11.10, 
10.04 and I'm not be able to do that.
Firstly I install the server, then I install the LAMP and finally I install 
the grase hotspot. And I obtain always the same bugs. As I told you when I 
reboot the server it gives to me some errors like:
"Syntax error: [in error.tpl line 3] Syntax error: block function is not 
implemente. (Smarty _Compiler.class.php, line 720) in 
/usr/share/php/smarty/smarty.class.php on line 1093."
Afterthat when the server restarts I obtain some errors like dnsmasq and vpn 
has failed. And if I tried to do service chilli restart I get the messages 
that you can see in ubuntu_chilli file.

I've always followed all the step from your instructions and I don't know 
where the mistake is.

Finally I've tried to install the grase hotspot in a nootbook that I have (I 
only have one network interface), but I've changed the o.s. I've installed 
DEBIAN 6 and I think that more or
less it's working. I think that because when I start the server I get the 
following message: "virtual private network daemon: grase fail"  and when  I 
reboot the server I get "php warning: Invalid argument supplied for 
foreach() in /usr/share/grase/www/radmin/networksettings.dnsmasq.php on line 
93". Although if I make service chilli restart, it starts correctly.

I've done that you say to me (dkpg -l) about my ubuntu and debian too. (you 
can see files ubuntu and debian)

Sorry for this long email.

Could you help me?


-----Mensaje original----- 
From: Timothy White
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 10:19 PM
To: GRASE Hotspot General Discussions
Subject: Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Problem with the installation

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 7:18 AM, Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Oscar.
> I'm currently away from the office, so haven't had a chance to look
> into this. It appears to not be finding the function that does the
> translations. If you have access to, try installing it into ubuntu
> 10.04, 10.10, or 11.04 and see if the problem persists.
> It may be a php/smarty version problem. I'm not aware of changing
> anything that would cause the problem. I'll look into it more when I'm
> back in the office next week. If you can show us the php and smarty
> packages you have installed (dpkg -l smarty* php*

Whoops. Gmail sent my message!
If you can show us the packages you have installed (dpkg -l smarty*
php*) then it would help if it's a version problem. I have a 11.10
machine I can test next week.

As for the ip address problem, I know the cause know, I'll commit a fix


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