2012-01-23 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Are there any new updates? If yes, how to get them?

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: a36193c998025f36f3f8ad5c54a3710791f2141c99c7041f1a85a8fb55e4420d
Message ID: <4F1DDD5D.7030606@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAPz6xh4DgZnG7M1e+wybeLgM0zMd49pUBzbWh_Q6_6NTBUa3kw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-01-23 15:21:17 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 08:21:17 +1000

Raw message

On 24/01/12 07:36, Tomas213 wrote:
> Hello Tim, thanks for the fast reply.
> I hope you had a great time those 2 months i hope you found some time 
> to relax ;-)
> I saw all the new tickets on tracker, waiting to see them in actions.
> Yes, users would be better to be referred as tickets or vouchers.
> If there is any way we could help you (except that giving feedback), 
> just tell us.
My big issues at the moment are:
* Terminology used is clear for me, but not for everyone. i.e. tickets 
vs vouchers vs users. And groups .vs. what??
* "Flow" or how things work isn't clear for everyone. I.e. trying to 
work out if I want group settings to apply at user creation (i.e. When 
you create a user it gets the group data limit applied as it's own 
limit) or to apply as a group (so if the group has a data limit, it gets 
override by the users limit at runtime, which allows you to change some 
group settings which modify the users after creation). I'm thinking that 
limits will apply at creation of users, and things like bandwidth 
settings will apply at runtime.
* FAQ. There seem to be a lot of things that aren't clear to users that 
probably need to be in a FAQ. I know some of the things are in areas 
like the installation instructions, but apparently get missed. The one 
that comes to mind first is the difference between a Wireless Access 
Point, and a Wireless Router (one just bridges the wireless network to 
the ethernet and is what we need, the other provides ip addresses, does 
NAT and other routing and doesn't work with the hotspot).

So feedback on those points is very helpful to me. Documentation, 
Tutorials, Manuals are all things that are lacking a lot at the moment. 
So if you are good at writing and have some time, then that kind of 
thing is more than welcome!

If you can code, and want to jump in and code, then let me know and I'll 
do my best to step you through my current development process. (Which 
will probably change if multiple people are working on it). This year I 
hope to be working more full time on the Grase Hotspot, and hopefully 
making some money by selling/renting hardware devices running the 
hotspot (donations still welcome). So hopefully we'll see more features 

