2012-01-23 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Are there any new updates? If yes, how to get them?

Header Data

From: Tomas213 <to***3@gmail.com>
Message Hash: b68f7311baeee3026ee925455838ecdfa4d70de505a2e994f99e2404f52aef96
Message ID: <CA+wWQF_6+mMj1z+euhGK1PVhU=MArLuMM2i+=mJhXBO8q07-g@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: _N/A

UTC Datetime: 2012-01-23 11:53:02 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 20:53:02 +0200

Raw message

Hello Tim!
I was wondering is there are any updates for Grace?
if yes, do we get them through update manager?
If no, when do u plan and what kind of new features can we found?

thank you once more.

