2012-02-08 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Cannot serf the Internet

Header Data

From: andre harty <ye***e@hotmail.com>
Message Hash: 51755723de10f5472b31261a97bff81483893dd0145419ca05e04bd2935616e8
Message ID: <snt0-eas28706F0B0AB076382023BB5E77A0@phx.gbl>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-02-08 04:42:25 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 07:42:25 -0400

Raw message

I don't understand I followed the installation direction , I am using an laptop with inboard nic and a pci nic my Internet is on eth0 and my LAN is on eth1 , I have changed pc still same problem , I have installed Ubuntu 11.10,11.04 server and desktop I have tried the command that you told me to try dig @ google.com and I can see all google up the pc have Internet but I just can't serf the net, I have check firewall there is no firewall installed is there anything elce that I can check I would love to get this to work please

Sent from my iPhone
