2012-03-28 - [GRASE-Hotspot] anonymous statistics (was: Are there any Greek users?)

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From: Johnny Solbu <so***u@solbu.net>
Message Hash: ce7e5e8d922f321ab4e2c1948e51962092aa5250baf8e261c9cbca1b6c12a78d
Message ID: <201203290539.59954.solbu@solbu.net>
Reply To: <CAESLx0KDkxnh99HSjgzdCzMbhp-My3rhpQpjH=Jx1GOaU0sN4Q@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-03-28 20:39:56 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 04:39:56 +0100

Raw message

On Wednesday 28 March 2012 23:46, Timothy White wrote:
> I hope one day to an anonymous statistics
> plugin/package that can be installed (and request people install it by
> default) so that we can get some sort of statistics of what languages
> it's being used in, how many active installs we have and how big the
> installs we have are.

If it is to be installed by default, you should have some sort of procedure which force the user to actively aprove the activation of this plugin. It should also have a summary of what it is. I have no problem with the default choice beeing to activate it, but it should be an active choice. Meaning, unless the user expressly aproves it, it should not be activated by default even if it is installed.
As an example, in some distros it is not enouch to install a server package, say OpenSSH or Apache. It has to be manually enabled (using chkconfig, update-rc.d or a GUI frontend), to make sure the user actually want to use it, in case it is installed as a Suggestion or Requirement by other packages.

This is a breach of privacy in some circumstances, and can be argued as beeing surveilance and/or spying. When you implement this statistics plugin, you need to have a privacy policy on your website, stating what anonymous data you collect, why, what you do with it once it's collected, and how long you store it before it is erased.

The iPhone, Android and Windows Phone OS's did report anonymous data for statistical purposes, amongst other things. When the public found out that it did, it created a huge uproar amongst the public. In USA, Apple and Google, I believe, was summoned before a hearing to explain them selves.
One or two manufactures ceased the data colletion all together because of the public uproar, while some manufactures publised explanations on what is beeing collected, why it is collected, for what purpose, how long they store the data before it is erased and wether or not they anonymize the data.

Johnny A. Solbu
web site, http://www.solbu.net
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