2012-07-24 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Newbie on Grase HotSpot

Header Data

From: Drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: d68b629674b9255fedf9cb143272e20703325207ca929bdbf7ca7302470e7591
Message ID: <500E6966.30903@radez.hr>
Reply To: <500E3DC4.7000207@gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-07-24 02:22:46 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 11:22:46 +0200

Raw message

On 24.7.2012 8:16, Tim White wrote:
> ........................... Currently there is no "summary" for the 
> entire user base.

I have noticed that there is no data summary for user at user's list 
too. For some users only. In fact in both fields "Data Usage (M)" and 
"(T)" there is "0" now. At earlier time here I could see some sum.
I will pick up more information about the case later. For now I can say 
only that those users are manually created with Data limit manually set 
. Expiration time few months in the future by group setting. Only two of 
users facing this issue while other in group seems OK so far.

Talking about traffic, seems that there is no torrent traffic logged, 
although seems it is counted in session sum.
