2012-07-24 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Newbie on Grase HotSpot

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: edadcbb13a394b955aec28ac79015d85bce210d321a1b08249d8aa29c40b7173
Message ID: <500F0AE7.9040508@gmail.com>
Reply To: <500E6966.30903@radez.hr>
UTC Datetime: 2012-07-24 13:51:51 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 06:51:51 +1000

Raw message

On 24/07/12 19:22, Drazen wrote:
> On 24.7.2012 8:16, Tim White wrote:
>> ........................... Currently there is no "summary" for the
>> entire user base.
> I have noticed that there is no data summary for user at user's list
> too. For some users only. In fact in both fields "Data Usage (M)" and
> "(T)" there is "0" now. At earlier time here I could see some sum.
> I will pick up more information about the case later. For now I can say
> only that those users are manually created with Data limit manually set
> . Expiration time few months in the future by group setting. Only two of
> users facing this issue while other in group seems OK so far.

I'll look into the Data summary. It should be working. We did change the 
format slightly to try and save space, so I'll double check those changes.
> Talking about traffic, seems that there is no torrent traffic logged,
> although seems it is counted in session sum.

We log all traffic that flows, however we can only "show" information 
about the http traffic that goes through Squid. Hence in the logs page, 
it shows 2 "totals", and total for the session and a total for the web 
traffic. There is a way to try and break down the totals by protocol, 
however the mechanism to do this generates a huge load on the monitoring 
server (gateway) and is definitely not something that will be 
implemented by default. (Think, 100's of iptables rules, per ip address 
that's active, with a cron job periodically reading the counter values 
and storing in a database.)

Torrenting is also a very resilient protocol, so if you are having 
problems with torrenting, even trying to block it might be futile. When 
we have problems with torrenting, we set bandwidth limits. :-D

