2012-09-05 - [GRASE-Hotspot] replicate database

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From: Tommaso Prinetti <to***i@monterosa-ski.com>
Message Hash: 129ea5f57f6666e5508a5e52bb91ec957c17dd92c26aa6be80c7cd2ddb0de5d8
Message ID: <34487A6DF906D542B7EB9816D6F880FD1387E480@SERVERMAIL.Monterosaspa.local>
Reply To: <CAESLx0+qea2+A46fs_gPtsfe2gVTw=Tr7sB1o6AFh-buf8L4hw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-09-05 02:42:13 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2012 09:42:13 +0000

Raw message


First of all I want to thank you very much for your work, it's really a very good software.
I've installed it on some industrial pc with 2 GB CompactFlash hard disk, using hostapd to share the wlan connection, and it's working very well, giving free wifi access to my customers.

I'm waiting so much for your plugin allowing users to register themselves: for now I made a php form that users fill, that sends me their data via email, but I still have to manually create the accounts on my evenings.

My question is: how can I replicate the database? For now, each system is independent and I have to manually create the accounts on each hotspot. Is it possible to set a cron job that replicates the account database from one hotspot to the other?


Tommaso Prinetti

Route Ramey, 69 
11020 Champoluc - Ayas (AO) 

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