2013-03-31 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Setting up Grase with wired ethernet connection over pppoe

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From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 23b02466f42141df0020fdd482d1f8e448d92a654a90caeab12f5f3460730bf6
Message ID: <5158D660.6090809@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAA1C2kyeYbAN8C1P1wRLN__LnvnWcJRK-iTu02wOGu-ZiMRshg@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-03-31 17:35:44 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2013 10:35:44 +1000

Raw message

On 31/03/13 18:03, vicki kumar wrote:
> Hi,
>      Is it possible to configure Grase with wired ethernet internet 
> connection over pppoe (username and password based authentication)? Do 
> I need to have pppoeconf package installed in Ubuntu? How do I 
> configure it so that whenever connection drops it redials the connection?

Assuming this is for your internet connection, you setup it up as per 
normal, then select the ppp0 interface as your WAN connection in the 
grase interface. Setting up pppoe is up to you, plenty of good tutorials 
on the net.

> Also, in case of always-on static ip type internet connection, how do 
> I change WAN DNS servers from default to something my ISP 
> has provided to me? Why I am asking this because I am not being able 
> to access many websites like yahoo, facebook, not even grasehotspot. 
> Sometimes even google loads very slowly - that's when I am using 
> Grase. If I connect to the internet directly without Grase routing it 
> is running very fast. I think it has something to do with DNS. Hope 
> someone can help me resolve this.

The clients point to the Grase server, which points to a local DNS 
server which points to the upstream servers you define in the Grase 
Admin section. It's there you should set your WAN DNS servers. It's not 
recommended trying to have your clients communicate directly with the 
upstream servers as that offers a way to let people bypass the portal if 
they really want to (look up DNS proxy stuff). It's also faster having a 
local caching proxy. If things arent' working through grase, check that 
you can resolve names to ip addresses, if so, it's not the DNS that's an 

