2013-04-01 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Setting up Grase with wired ethernet connection over pppoe

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 878502daa17f1481c8cfba011194f7468792e9a5e086a2bf56f7970b8e3570fb
Message ID: <51594F75.30504@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAA1C2kw6wJKGrjDNnGLaiQiWMUU3F0sTSVJ-vMbmXmgaY=7ujw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-04-01 02:12:21 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2013 19:12:21 +1000

Raw message

On 01/04/13 16:04, vicki kumar wrote:
>     Assuming this is for your internet connection, you setup it up as per
>     normal, then select the ppp0 interface as your WAN connection in the
>     grase interface. Setting up pppoe is up to you, plenty of good tutorials
>     on the net.
> Thanks Tim. This pppoe connection is without using any modem. I have 
> looked at some of the tutorials available on the net. They all seem to 
> be related to adsl type pppoe connection. I don't know whether both of 
> them are similar in configuration. Can you please help me point to 
> correct tutorial, if at all possible for you?

I've never had to play with pppoe, so I'm no help sorry. I believe it 
should be fairly similar as to a modem.
> The clients point to the Grase server, which points to a local DNS
> server which points to the upstream servers you define in the Grase
> Admin section. It's there you should set your WAN DNS servers. It's not
> recommended trying to have your clients communicate directly with the
> upstream servers as that offers a way to let people bypass the portal if
> they really want to (look up DNS proxy stuff). It's also faster having a
> local caching proxy. If things arent' working through grase, check that
> you can resolve names to ip addresses, if so, it's not the DNS that's an
>     issue.
> I am able to ping almost every website I wish to open through Grase 
> however not all websites are loading. They just seem to get 
> stuck. Also, there is a noticeable time difference in load time when I 
> am using Grase and when I am not using it. Are these the local DNS 
> servers: I have put in details of the 
> DNS servers provided to me by my ISP in /etc/network/interfaces. Am I 
> wrong in putting the details there?

This is one place that Grase isn't as intuitive as it should be. 
/etc/network/interfaces will control some of what the local machine 
uses. However, due to how Grase is setup, you need to change the DNS 
servers (the ones you listed above are the OpenDNS ones) in the Grase 
admin section to point to your upstream DNS servers. Then, the Grase 
server and all the clients point to the Grase Server, which will use 
those listed upstream DNS servers.

If you can ping the websites, then it's not a DNS issue and is probably 
a routing issue. Check you have the correct WAN and LAN interfaces 
selected in the Admin section and hit save, then reboot.

