2013-04-04 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Critical packaging error - libssl is to NEW!

Header Data

From: Johnny Solbu <so***u@solbu.net>
Message Hash: 86070cab5b9d836d3173fd2778bc5471701aa8242e0ee6f6166b2a8fa12df1e0
Message ID: <201304041936.37514.solbu@solbu.net>
Reply To: <201304041604.43629.solbu@solbu.net>
UTC Datetime: 2013-04-04 10:36:31 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 19:36:31 +0200

Raw message

On Thursday 4. April 2013 16.04, Johnny Solbu wrote:
> Each time I install this thing _from scratch_, I lose the ssh connection when chilli starts, and we cannot continue.

And now we have tried with the sysadmin physically present. 
When chilli starts, _ALL_ network connectivity is lost, and we cannot access the web interface to configure it. There is no web interface.

Johnny A. Solbu
web site, http://www.solbu.net
PGP key ID: 0xFA687324
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