2013-07-11 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Radacct crashed

Header Data

From: Drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: 0720b8d61773abc8264062c726e216d41ae87fd6eca19ad7bf990f6317e98dac
Message ID: <51DF015F.2060200@radez.hr>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-07-11 12:02:55 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 21:02:55 +0200

Raw message

Just when decided to put new server in production, discovered that 
radacct crashed. Couldnt open "users" or "sessions" pages.
This is Admin log:
"FATAL: Get All User radacct details Query failed: [mdb2_error: 
message="MDB2 Error: unknown error" code=-1 mode=return level=notice 
prefix="" info="_doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] 
[Last executed query: SELECT UserName, 
SUM(radacct.AcctInputOctets)+SUM(radacct.AcctOutputOctets) AS 
AcctTotalOctets, SUM(AcctSessionTime) AS AcctSessionTime, 
MAX(AcctStopTime) AS LastLogout FROM radacct GROUP BY UserName] [Native 
code: 1194] [Native message: *Table 'radacct' is marked as crashed and 
should be repaired*] "]"

Then I had to install phpmyadmin, and saw that 'radacct' table was 
marked "crashed" and reparation needed.
Funy thing what I discover there was two keys in radacct table: 
AcctUniqueId and AcctUniqueId_2, both indexed on AcctUniqueId collumn 
Even phpMyAdmin recomends to remove one key.

After repairing table, 'Users' and 'Sessions' pages worked normally, but 
double key still exist there.
Have no clue how that happened and should I delete one key?

