2013-11-25 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Radacct crashed

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From: jb <be***s@yahoo.com>
Message Hash: 36294a3420f610a95b23e8f927b24121d437cc5333787108babc2a17751a7433
Message ID: <1385427606.34998.YahooMailNeo@web124905.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
Reply To: <CAESLx0+X1vtEvrpQzQm_5849eQecq2MWPN+o+rDu=mUtptOanw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-11-25 18:00:06 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:00:06 -0800

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hi tim..

a query.
what incoming and outgoing tcp/udp ports do i need to allow for the grase server?


On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 1:59 PM, Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com> wrote:

One of the keys is just a key, the other is a unique key. Having both won't hurt. I believe what must have happened is initially just the key was there, but then I wanted the unique constraint, and so added it. I don't think it should have ever had both keys, but it's not hurting it.

I believe it's been in the database code since the first BZR commit, so it dates back a long way.


On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 5:02 AM, Drazen <dr***a@radez.hr> wrote:

Just when decided to put new server in production, discovered that radacct crashed. Couldnt open "users" or "sessions" pages.
>This is Admin log:
>"FATAL: Get All User radacct details Query failed: [mdb2_error:
    message="MDB2 Error: unknown error" code=-1 mode=return level=notice
    prefix="" info="_doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute
    [Last executed query: SELECT UserName,
    SUM(radacct.AcctInputOctets)+SUM(radacct.AcctOutputOctets) AS
    AcctTotalOctets, SUM(AcctSessionTime) AS AcctSessionTime,
    MAX(AcctStopTime) AS LastLogout FROM radacct GROUP BY UserName]
    [Native code: 1194]
    [Native message: Table 'radacct' is marked as crashed and should be repaired] "]"
>Then I had to install phpmyadmin, and saw that 'radacct' table was
    marked "crashed" and reparation needed.
>Funy thing what I discover there was two keys in radacct table:
    AcctUniqueId and AcctUniqueId_2, both indexed on AcctUniqueId
    collumn 'unique'.
>Even phpMyAdmin recomends to remove one key.
>After repairing table, 'Users' and 'Sessions' pages worked normally,
    but double key still exist there.
>Have no clue how that happened and should I delete one key?
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