2013-07-08 - [GRASE-Hotspot] installation on debian wheezy

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From: v116v <v1***v@yahoo.es>
Message Hash: 0c5f992281697e0fc6a585e87df14d6316c9e959a25eb0ab384c49963c9071dc
Message ID: <51DB6E48.8000402@yahoo.es>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-07-08 18:58:32 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 03:58:32 +0200

Raw message

Hello all, sorry, my english is horrible.

I install two times grase hotspot in Debian Whezzy with:

     # wget 

     # dpkg -i grase-repo_1.4_all.deb

     # aptitude update

when make "aptitude install grase-www-portal grase-conf-freeradius 
grase-conf-squid3 grase-conf-openvpn"

The sistem say "I need the dependencie libssl0.9.8" i solve this with:

     # wget 


     # dpkg -i libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-4squeeze14_amd64.deb

# aptitude install grase-www-portal grase-conf-freeradius 
grase-conf-squid3 grase-conf-openvpn

After this, i go to my browser and http://myip/grease/radmin and only 
appear the favicon of grasehotspot the rest is a white window.

Thank\ufffds all for your\ufffds help and sorry other time for my bad english I am 
speak spanish.

