2013-07-10 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Fwd: installation on ubuntu 12.04

Header Data

From: v116v <v1***v@yahoo.es>
Message Hash: e263537fb6d110f15c78636b8933759d48d3950f13ca460f885ad4121b7d869f
Message ID: <51DD520D.3010301@yahoo.es>
Reply To: <51DB6E48.8000402@yahoo.es>
UTC Datetime: 2013-07-10 05:22:37 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 14:22:37 +0200

Raw message

Hello all, sorry, my english is horrible.

I install two times grase hotspot "grase-repo_1.4_all.deb" in ubuntu 12.04 with the same result.

I can not change the LAN interface and tun0 interface is fixed yet wlan0 appears in the network
configuration and  Tampoco funcionan los DNS especificados.

Any solution to these problems?

