2013-09-26 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Issues during installation

Header Data

From: Sam Clore <sc***e@microsoft.com>
Message Hash: 36343ec81fbfbd71f84e8618178dfda15afa682c44e2f0a2b600b728ef34ac7a
Message ID: <7e51e53f6395403b892fedf0f92dd78d@BL2PR03MB259.namprd03.prod.outlook.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-09-26 12:50:00 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 19:50:00 +0000

Raw message

Hi all!

I had some problems running the installation of Grase today.

I followed the server installation steps to the letter and encountered no problems there.

When I ran the installation of Grase however, it got to the point where it said "Starting Chilli..." and then hung.  At this point I also lost my internet connection.

So my question is regarding the hardware set up.

My current set up is:

*         Ubuntu server 12.04.3 LTS

*         Two NICs

o   Eth1 is connected via Ethernet cable to a switch which is then connected to my LAN

o   Eth0 isn't connected to anything

*         According to the server setup, my internet interface is on eth1

I was looking at the hardware setup picture located here: http://grasehotspot.org/documentation/hardware-setup/ and am a little confused.

The picture seems to indicate three things:

1.       That the wireless AP is connected to a switch

2.       That the server is connected directly to the internet

3.       That the server is also connected to a switch

Is #2 from above correct?  Must the server be directly connected to the internet or can it be connected to the LAN via a switch?

Is it required that I have eth0 connected to something during installation?

