2013-09-26 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Issues during installation

Header Data

From: Drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: f680e2f20ea9c47b1887aac2b7023231a6d4072de49a17655670b854bd276ab2
Message ID: <52451EDA.6000103@radez.hr>
Reply To: <7e51e53f6395403b892fedf0f92dd78d@BL2PR03MB259.namprd03.prod.outlook.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-09-26 22:59:54 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 07:59:54 +0200

Raw message

Hi Sam
I guess your issue is here

"·Two NICs

oEth1 is connected via Ethernet cable to a switch which is then 
connected to my LAN

oEth0 isn't connected to anything

·According to the server setup, my internet interface is on eth1


This should be reversed. While installing Ubuntu it will take any 
interface which you say is default for the server (from linux side of 
mind default is one which will be connected to network and Internet. At 
that one linux expects to get DHCP address from your router first. )
So whichever one you set Deafult and there is cable connected to router 
and internet will be fine for Ubuntu installation.
However, Grase installation expects that eth0 is internet one, and eth1 
is one Grase will manage. That is why chilly crashed.
As seen from your post you did switch those two.
It should be changed in Ubuntu installation first. Connect cable to eth0 
. It will reconfigure eth0 itself or will ask.
Also check /etc/network/interfaces . There you should change eth1 to eth0
No any mention of eth1 should be here.
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Should be command to do this from CL  which honestly I don't know.
Reboot Ubuntu here to clean up mess.
Then try to install grase again.
Hope this help

On 26.9.2013 21:50, Sam Clore wrote:
> Hi all!
> I had some problems running the installation of Grase today.
> I followed the server installation steps to the letter and encountered 
> no problems there.
> When I ran the installation of Grase however, it got to the point 
> where it said "Starting Chilli..." and then hung.  At this point I 
> also lost my internet connection.
> So my question is regarding the hardware set up.
> My current set up is:
> ·Ubuntu server 12.04.3 LTS
> ·Two NICs
> oEth1 is connected via Ethernet cable to a switch which is then 
> connected to my LAN
> oEth0 isn't connected to anything
> ·According to the server setup, my internet interface is on eth1
> I was looking at the hardware setup picture located here: 
> http://grasehotspot.org/documentation/hardware-setup/ 
> <http://grasehotspot.org/documentation/hardware-setup/> and am a 
> little confused.
> The picture seems to indicate three things:
> 1.That the wireless AP is connected to a switch
> 2.That the server is connected directly to the internet
> 3.That the server is also connected to a switch
> Is #2 from above correct?  Must the server be directly connected to 
> the internet or can it be connected to the LAN via a switch?
> Is it required that I have eth0 connected to something during 
> installation?
> Thanks!
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