2013-10-09 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] An idea for Grase hardware - energy results

Header Data

From: Thomas Heil <he***l@terminal-consulting.de>
Message Hash: d3fc1821690e13d4da0c08e19231d47e381d7943e5bb6046569026cfe12c8667
Message ID: <5255AE9E.9070704@terminal-consulting.de>
Reply To: <52516F02.5060402@radez.hr>
UTC Datetime: 2013-10-09 12:29:34 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 21:29:34 +0200

Raw message

On 06.10.2013 16:09, Drazen wrote:
> On 10/06/2013 03:56 PM, Drazen wrote:
> Try to fix table width
> Finally I had time to assembly measurement tools. Results of
> measurements and calculations are bellow.
> Device   |Current A|Power W|daykWh|monthkWh|year kWh|cost/yEUR
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> My desktp   |0,22  |  48   | 1,16 |   34,6 | 415,2  |83,04
> AMD64X24000+
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Grase P4    |0,25  |  57,2 | 1,32 |   39,6 | 475,2  |95,04
> 3000 GHz
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Grase NB    |0,06  |  13,2 | 0,32 |    9,5 | 114,0  |22.80
> P-mobile 1,6GHz
13,2 Watts sounds good for me. And you have a USV included :-)
Which OS do you use for grase?
> Measurement where taken at 220 VAC side. Digital tester, 20A AC range.
> Measurement taken at standby state (machine up, OS up, grase up)
> My Desktop is here for comparison only.
> Energy cost taken from EUROSTAT. Average price for EU 0,2EUR per 1kWh.
> Results shows aprox. 4.3 times less power consumption.
> Drazen
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Thomas Heil
! note my new number !
Skype: phiber.sun
Email: he***l@terminal-consulting.de
Tel:   0176 / 44555622
