2014-09-24 - Re: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS + grase installation - (second network card problem - card is visible with ifconfig -a)

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From: bartosz <ba***z@miklaszewski.com>
Message Hash: 56c0013237e0d01f6ebe5b8e1d215a49bb6e345120b2aca467820b2292d24c1d
Message ID: <ef8f293f-69ea-4ed3-99e7-6780bc8af6e0@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <1399fe0a-8e8f-4b2b-b01b-5565809c5c35@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2014-09-24 13:55:32 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:55:32 -0700

Raw message

one more thing, when i click i have msg: Not 

The requested URL /grase/radmin was not found on this server.

on my older grase hotspot if i use internet side ip i was able to login to 
hotspot but now it shows nothing

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 21:42:02 UTC+1, bartosz wrote:
> Hi, on the begging many thx for great hotspot system, I use with 4 
> different places and never had problems until today
> # hardware used
> Intel Next Unit Of Computing (mini pc) with usb network card
> # Ubuntu installation process
> went as usual, with small difference, it didn't show the screen where you 
> choice network card. 
> # after installation
> "ifconfig" command shows em1 and lo but no usb lan card interface, where 
> em1 is connected to outside world and getting ip over dhcp.
> "ifconfig -a" shows usb card as eth0 (so card is visible and if i set it 
> up manually it works when connected to internet)
> as i need manual ip ive changed it to:
> "cat /etc/networks/interfaces"
> --------------------------------
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto em1
> iface em1 inet static
> address
> network
> netmask
> broadcast
> gateway
> dns-nameservers
> --------------------------------
> #grase installation - no problems !!
> wget 
> http://packages.grasehotspot.org/pool/main/g/grase-repo/grase-repo_1.5_all.deb
> sudo dpkg -i grase-repo_1.4_all.deb
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install grase-www-portal grase-conf-freeradius 
> grase-conf-squid3 grase-conf-openvpn
> # after grase installation
> ifconfig shows now: em1 lo and tun0 ( but no eth0
> i know its something stiupid with configuration, but i missing it, and 
> this is 3rd day i am working on it an still no changes :| so i hope someone 
> knows what i am missing, if you need some other setting please let me know 
> many thanks
> Bartosz
