2014-10-08 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] How to Import CSV file in to Microsoft Word, and edit labels your self…

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From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 440a284da5cf43c929f64c066c2ce1b849107a4b96bb89a956bd7853c0ef2594
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Reply To: <543391C8.8020400@radez.hr>
UTC Datetime: 2014-10-08 16:52:57 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 09:52:57 +1000

Raw message

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Dražen Žuvela <dr***a@radez.hr>

>  Since Grase itself doesn't have much possibilities at this area, we need
> to use other ways to do this.
> Label template as suggested by @bartosz with some variants are most handy
> so far.
> However, this method is not always effective.
> It depends of how fast and how frequent you need to release new tickets.
> 1. School case.
> If  you need to generate mass vouchers for school kids you can use this
> "label/csv way", actually it is best way for that. Here we assume that
> vouchers will have duration during the whole school year, and it  would be
> nice if we have control of Internet use by kid name. So it is necessary to
> enter each unique name for each pupil divided in class (as group) . Quite a
> lot of work but there is a time enough to prepare all that in advance.
> Some mass import/export of users would help here a lot. Especially when
> new school year starts we need to move all pupils to higher class,  so
> group need to be changed. Some LDAP integration here would help if exist.

When you do a mass import, would you want to just import a list of
usernames, or usernames, passwords and comments? The rest of the settings
would be applied from a group at import time. I can certainly look at how
to do this.

> 2. Company guests case
> When you wish to give access for partners which are visiting your company
> for a day then you need quickly to print out couple of vouchers, with
> partner name on it, and you wish that to looks good.  Here you don't have
> much time if you need to open new user first.
> I suggest here to have pre-finished sheet (.doc, .odt) with labels
> designed but with empty fields. Then copy/paste username and password from
> grase page to this label fields and print whole page out. Cut them and give
> to your guests. Down side, you are wasting whole page for one or just
> couple of users.
> I found convenient to have preprinted some spare nice looking labels with
> single user/password and multiple connections allowed. This is for case
> when Grase admin is not at site when guest arrived.

Ideally, with the nightlies you'd now setup vouchers with first use
activation, and do generic vouchers. How important is it to print their
name on it?

> 3. Coffee bar case
> Here you have many new users each day and they need voucher as fast as
> they will get their drink. I don't see other way then prepare in advance a
> huge number of users/tickets, with very limited time/traffic, but extended
> end date in the future.  This give us ability   to prepare number of
> tickets 3 or more months in advance.
> Then use csv export and import into label's template document as @bartosz
> suggested.

This was one of the first use cases I added the batches for. With first use
activation, this is now more practical. I used to print out up to 500
tickets at a time for a cafe we run Grase in. Also, now that I've added
"Free Login" button, that reduces the number of tickets they require.

> 2.A There is one more way similar to case 2 above. Labels are preprinted
> but fields left empty. Upon opening new user in Grase, fill up empty fields
> at pre-printed labels by hand.  If anybody here still know how to use a pen
> :)

Pen? What Pen? :P

> Of course, graphical design of labels, company logo and other fancy
> decoration assumed. But this is artwork outside the Grase totally.

I'm hoping with the new ability to edit the CSS for printing, we can make
the labels fancier for normal printing. But if you need pixel perfect
layout (for example to print on to specific label paper) then you'll always
be better off with mailmerge software. If you are just printing on thin
card, with a colour printer and can tolerate when things aren't 100%
aligned, then the new CSS editing should be enough!

