2015-01-22 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Question on Free Login Group

Header Data

From: NeonJohn <jg***d@neon-john.com>
Message Hash: cf556823bb586e83233c7e5d5fba5b3fd0ebd23e7e4c010d24d45919e7f7844c
Message ID: <54C17305.7080100@neon-john.com>
Reply To: <9523cab8-4851-4325-bb66-947f9382e1a8@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2015-01-22 15:00:37 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:00:37 -0500

Raw message

On 01/22/2015 03:33 PM, Louis wrote:
> Hi Tim thanks for your response. What im driving at is for a user/ gadget
> to be allowed only one time Free login whether its for 1 day or 10hrs. Such
> that after the user's free use then they "must" pay. This particular user
> must not have a free use again. Dont know if what im saying makes sense.

Yes, makes sense.  You want to allow a given MAC address only one free 
login (or better, a specified number of logins) during a specified 
interval, say, 24 or 48 hours.

That feature would be useful to me too.  I have a couple of local 
residents who are living on my free login.  I have it slowed down to 
about dial-up speed but that's apparently good enough for them.  I hate 
to slow it down any more so as not to affect legitimate free users. 
This feature would address that problem.

Not a high priority for me right now.  I can go have a talk with them. 
But I imagine that would be very useful elsewhere.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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