2016-02-10 - broken pictures - not displaying pictures on the main login page

Header Data

From: bartosz <ba***z@miklaszewski.com>
Message Hash: 63f9b82950ad139a4d4d358549b631f8263a3c239457a8396ea8a716e74af702
Message ID: <d2838348-1cae-425b-89f0-da10328b6b81@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-02-10 15:52:09 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 14:52:09 -0800

Raw message

hi guys,
trying to add some pictures to background and logo,
i have pictures in /var/www/html directory
when i go it shows me picture with no 
problem (both for wan side and lan side)

however when i open login page i have broken picture icon like this one 
above, any ideas ?
