2016-03-29 - Re: Access the AP’s from the management (wan) side of the hotspot

Header Data

From: Sebastian Schneider <se***r@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 124ddbec8db53c412ff0ab3ff0bd9afba15ef00991bf4eb4caf12990f1ef94d3
Message ID: <0c1a9676-fe3b-41b1-8038-a32bb8f8f1db@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <b4327d08-45b4-4325-bc13-8eeef979753d@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2016-03-29 03:11:39 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 03:11:39 -0700

Raw message

Hi Derekm
in my case iptables is not blocking anything, I can access the webinterface 
on both sides (apache is listening on *:80)
I wanted to access the radmin part just from the WAN side, where MY 
Computersystems are.
So i just conifgured apache for two virtualhosts, the first and 
the second 192.168.WHATEVER_YOUR_IP_RANGE_IS:80
in the part I added 

<Directory  "\radmin\>
  Order allow,deny
  Deny from all

Good Luck

Am Freitag, 19. Februar 2016 01:54:30 UTC+1 schrieb Derek Mitchell:
> Hi, I would like to access the AP's from the management (wan) side of the 
> hotspot. Is this possible and if so instructions would be greatly 
> appreciated.
> Regards,
> Derek
