Derek Mitchell <de***> (20 posts)

Be aware that many list participants used multiple email addresses over their time active on the list. As such this page may not contain all threads available.


Total Data Usage for the Current Month

Nightly Build - Bandwidth Limit Down & Up settings

Can you use squidguard with Grase Hotspot?

Add Data to Limit

[GRASE-Hotspot] Is there a way to set the recurring limits to reset at say 12pm instead of 12am?

Block Ports / Torrents

Can you do an in place upgrade from on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 3.8.0 RC2

Access the AP’s from the management (wan) side of the hotspot

Using Ticket Printer for Vouchers

Can you use both wired lan and internal wlan simultaneously for client conenctions?

MAC address security