2014-12-11 - Add Data to Limit

Header Data

From: Derek Mitchell <de***2@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 2d3a17c8c6d557296bc5c12a2fa1ea4195b88271bbb8790d56b4ba787f7a530d
Message ID: <3ca98551-2f4b-4783-b035-508fb3a70f23@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-12-11 18:59:06 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:59:06 -0800

Raw message

Hi, If you "Add Data to Limit" under a user that is on a 40Gb monthly 
recurring data limit, will that just add data for the user until the end of 
the month when the limits are reset or will it add to the recurring 40Gb 
already specified in the group setting? If you add 20Gb to the data limit 
will it then allow the user to have 60Gb per month from then on or will it 
reset back to 40Gb at the end of the month?

