2016-08-01 - The ap’s ubiquiti running ok with grasehotspot?

Header Data

From: Vicente Henríquez <vi***z@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 6d1ce37c4bf970ee19c9f9f31e75aa196117007a224f1cdf588742f5c5d0696c
Message ID: <3dc49d94-be4a-4891-8e00-9e5561f867f3@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-08-01 14:05:43 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2016 14:05:43 -0700

Raw message

Hey Tim!

I need your help with some problem that i have in my work. Well, in my work 
they implemented a Wi-Fi network with ubiquiti access point. So, i have a 
question? with grase hotspot, how many range we can have for given to the 
acces point??? For example, with this network we have the change to give 
arround of 1950 different ip, and that 'cause i work in a hotel with so 
many pax, so per the hotel has 500 or 600 connection. With the dhcp from 
grase hotspot, we can give the same range of ip's???

If you don't get me, please let me know, because my first language is 

