2017-04-08 - Upload speed either 0 or fails

Header Data

From: Thomas Crosbie <tc***7@gmail.com>
Message Hash: fcd6189788e52d7bccae8a8d629feefed15a434f2802c567d6191443abb008d4
Message ID: <78bb0f32-bb46-4217-8070-b3890d6a6635@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2017-04-08 22:57:38 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2017 22:57:38 -0700

Raw message

Hi everyone,

I manage 3 different Grase hotspots in my area. Lately, I've been having 
slow speeds on the one hosted at my workplace. We're running NBN 100/40 and 
getting those speeds very well. Download speeds are fine on the Grase side, 
but the problem is upload speeds. Either I get an upload failed message or 
it starts well and drops to 0.00 Mbps within 2 or 3 seconds.

I've had a look in the group and on Github, where I found out to disable 
GRO, GSO and TSO, but after trying these methods with both eth0 and eth1 it 
doesn't make any difference.

Here's the link to a Google Drive folder with all the info you may need (I 
hope). If you need more I can send it through. - https://goo.gl/Xo048M  

Also in that folder is an error message that keeps coming up every now and 
then. Thought it may have been IPv6 related, so disabled that but no go.

Grase is running in a Hyper-V environment with 2GB RAM on Server 2010 R2.

Any ideas would be very helpful!

Kind regards,

Thomas Crosbie
