2017-05-28 - how to setup grase as a router - NAT enabled

Header Data

From: Tubeta Taenang <tu***g@gmail.com>
Message Hash: e5479e8e1a61b0feffb5aac65b47d932f183438a8214aadcacc44a0078860793
Message ID: <CAPYsbFapjGd+VkcwO4XRq_ST4qnOkdmz4vbnK2MP9S-Jro1REA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2017-05-28 14:11:50 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 09:11:50 +1200

Raw message

Hello Tim and community developers,

This is my third issue that I really want to tackle with the grase
software. At work I am using the portal of Grase hotspot to manage my
users' Internet usage! Here where I am working, Internet access is very
critical for some aspect of our business and therefore it is required to be
monitored and controlled in the best possible way to avoid any kind of

Here is what I want to achieve:

1. Configure Grase to act as a router to allow traffic routing.
2. Configure Grase to do  NAT
3. Configure Grase firewall to prevent any kind of attack from the Internet
or any malware originated form internal computers.

I will apreciate any step by step guide and your advises on this.

