2017-07-16 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Purge users from the free access group

Header Data

From: drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: 5d3861534382e9e1b89e426fa25370e273568cc14a95d3d1081588eaf0dec930
Message ID: <bfe9fe93-d578-fef4-110b-5679ab81eb60@radez.hr>
Reply To: <13fc831a-620e-4858-ba98-f3470e9f891b@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2017-07-16 08:45:49 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2017 17:45:49 +0200

Raw message

long ago I was using phpMyAdmin which is handy MySql tool. some of 
password should work you used with installation of grase first time. 
There was a question for MySql database password.

On 07/16/2017 12:41 PM, bo***1@gmail.com wrote:
> was hoping to use the mysql module to do the job although I realise 
> this could be risky however I cant access the module to to an account 
> / credentials issue.  When I installed the system I used the same 
> system password for all of the mysql prompts to make it simple but 
> this wont work with the webmin module.  I tried 'root' and 'ubuntu' as 
> account names.
