2018-09-12 - Re: Kernel Panic! Help Me

Header Data

From: christopher <me***e@pc-networking-services.com>
Message Hash: 109b69f29366f2c666ec593c3b43731aba5fc29403b29caa64721c5fdbd13cbf
Message ID: <56100520-a2e1-4554-93ed-3a6971be2ac2@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <b9654538-381c-4ba6-b24c-b25cad8f94ff@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2018-09-12 22:13:25 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 22:13:25 -0700

Raw message

On Monday, 6 August 2018 22:54:58 UTC+12, Sergen Çolak wrote:
> Hello,
> A system that is running, sometimes every 2 days. Sometimes a month. He 
> gives the errors that appear in the picture. The system is crashing. I have 
> to pull off the electricity. Can you help me with this?

 Hello Sergen,

As Tim has already said, a newer kernel will assist with this.  I will go 
further though, and suggest that you compile your own from source code 
located at kernel.org.  Even though the distros like Ubuntu do eventually 
back port kernel drivers, it takes a long time.  As you have a very modern 
system, the latest stable kernel:


will have all the latest drivers for all of your hardware.  Also with 
building your own kernel, you can get rid of the modules that none of your 
hardware use.  The distros make a big kernel, as they have to cater for 
most known hardware.

There is a howto for building a new kernel at:


Even though they say to install the source for the kernel using apt-get, 
you do not actually have to do that.  Just use wget and download the tar.xz 
file that I suggested above.  The rest of the kernel compilation on ubuntu 
wiki will create the new kernel.  You can take the time during the editing 
of the kernel config file to do a bit of tuneing, by disableing the kernel 
modules that are not needed.  This will take a lot of time to get right.  
Using dmesg and lspci from the command line will assist you to find which 
modules you actually need.  Also lsmod from the command line will show 
which modules are loaded in your current kernel, so that is a very good 
indicator what is needed.


