2019-11-24 - Syslog filling alarmingly fast

Header Data

From: Daniel Crusoe <di***n@gmail.com>
Message Hash: d4a89d918edc0a901eb2ebcdd09b4af71f815d51cadab6bae7a801f12529ee03
Message ID: <c4064846-0d64-4577-bba1-1f8f99964ebb@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2019-11-24 09:54:10 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2019 08:54:10 -0800

Raw message

I am not good at Linux, but today, my server stopped working because the 
100GB drive was full... found it to be my syslog and syslog.1 files taking 
up all the space... followed the instructions online to clear these and now 
i am trouble shooting why they suddenly (seems like today) where filling up

the errors i find popping up the most are 

coova-chilli[1360]: net.c: 806: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) 
net_read_eth(fd=5, len=65497, mtu=1500) == -1
coova-chilli[1360]: net.c: 780: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) could 
not read packet

these two seem to repeat over and over just filling up the syslog file... i 
have no clue what is causing it.

your help is appreciated

