2014-10-15 - Re: What still needs to be done before the next release?

Header Data

From: kralan <kr***n@gmx.at>
Message Hash: fd4b9613bb24734b18f5188103b2e7f0aeba48150f120ded2075fbf8bed61b8e
Message ID: <f44a61a0-f1b0-4358-acd9-8bf8d9d53949@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <CAESLx0+yfsg9WDVNUKfBzCdnRDy_g4rBPAHHgkJwwOekSAkCKg@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2014-10-15 02:19:05 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:19:05 -0700

Raw message

Hi Tim,

I have seen you working hard in the last few days refactoring and fighting 
bit rot. I appreciate the effort you put into software quality very much.

As for the new login form, it works well for me - no complaints.

On a wishlist, 
- it would be nice to have the contents of the tabs 
(login/features/contact/help) correspond to text configurable in the 
administration interface. 
- Maybe also the labels (login/features/contact/help) could be made 
- and some tabs optional altogether?

