2014-12-04 - Re: Grase Hotspot working with DD-WRT routers in remote locations.

Header Data

From: Norberto Esteves <no***e@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 04b003425a21ac854062dd636f614b908492e29584a08eb5ce75255df1283c5c
Message ID: <c48e0523-9428-473c-9469-f2e43a4aa49d@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <fdecd37a-fa21-4d62-a6b5-50601889ecb6@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2014-12-04 14:02:56 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:02:56 -0800

Raw message

Hi all!

António, that is the configuration I have right now. I moved Grase to a 
virtual machine. 
I plan to use this setup to replace an old server with the old version of 
Chillispot that we bought a few years ago and is used to manage several 
hotspots (arround 20). All the hotspots are already using DD-WRT, so I'm 
trying to adapt Grase to the DD-WRT configuration I already have.

Everything seams to work fine with non Java login. And I found a way to use 
the Javascipt login, the problem I still have with it is the pop up window 
not showing the information after login and the logout button not working, 
also some android phones with Opera mobile are not able to login.

Since I had a very busy week I hope I can do some more tests in the weekend 
and make a document on how to get this working. 
In order to make a document valid to every one I will have to setup a new 
machine with the nighttly build because mine has lots of modifications on 
the original code and I don't know anymore which files are original and 
which are modified by me...


Norberto Esteves  

Terça-feira, 2 de Dezembro de 2014 19:38:54 UTC, Norberto Esteves escreveu:
> Hi all,
> I managed to get this configuration working.
> Basically I have the Grase Hotspot installed in a machine (shuttle XPC 
> DS6) in the office and one router (D-Link DIR-615) with DD-WRT in my house 
> for testing.
> The remote site (D-Link Router) uses the Coova Chilli included with the 
> DD-WRT firmware to redirect users to the Grase authentication Portal, after 
> that, the username, password, and other attributes are checked with the 
> radius server. If the authentication is successful then the user is allowed 
> to use the Internet and DD-WRT Coova Chilli takes care of the session even 
> if the main site (Grase) goes down. DD-WRT Coova Chilli also sends 
> periodical data (every 5 minutes) to Radius server to keep information up 
> to date. 
> So far I had to change a few things in the follwing files:
> hotspot.php, nojsstatus.php, /includes/site.inc.php
> I do not use VPN, so, there is a few ports that need forwarding:
> In the main site: Radius (1812, 1813, 1814), UAM (3990) and HTTP (80) 
> ports forward to Grase Hotspot machine.
> The remote site only needs port forwarding for COA port 3779 if you are 
> going to use the radclient to disconnect users.
> Freeradius also needs to allow remote site to connect, to do this you need 
> to add remote client to clients.conf, or use nas table.
> So far I'am still testing and correcting some "bugs" i found.
> The bad new is that this setup don't work with Javascript login, I did 
> some tests and I think DD-WRT is not able to use the JSON interface for 
> Coova Chilli. So if you want to use DD-WRT, Java script login should be 
> disabled.
> If anyone is interested in multi-location setup using DD-WRT I can make a 
> document and share with the community.
> Regards,
> Norberto Esteves
