2014-12-14 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Small ticket change suggestion

Header Data

From: NeonJohn <jg***d@neon-john.com>
Message Hash: 2e878c2224a8e60e3f11206b4cdd59bb22360b551e854be46c358c75225c8e9d
Message ID: <548E3DD6.6010107@neon-john.com>
Reply To: <CAEgZ11vbwp_7stXoce=n+siHf6WpQU-uFcwmAfBVn3exCm=YMw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2014-12-14 18:48:06 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 20:48:06 -0500

Raw message

Hi Stan,

I'd REALLY appreciate that.  I don't really want to get into hacking
GRACE but until and if Tim incorporates this request, I'm willing to do so.

Thanks so much,

On 12/14/2014 08:40 PM, Scriptman wrote:
> Hello John,
> My name is Stan and I live in Louisville Ky. We use Grase for coffee shops
> in and around the city and found the exact same frustration as you. We made
> some custom changes and fixed the issue. If you like, we can send you the
> same config files and you can customize your setup.
> Minor adjustments have to be made from one release to the next. As long as
> you police your updates well, you shouldn't have any issues.

John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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