2014-12-14 - Small ticket change suggestion

Header Data

From: NeonJohn <jg***d@neon-john.com>
Message Hash: a9453666c757ce9bea85dc1a290b47ac819ffa98d47b0b51600be18f77bb3c87
Message ID: <548E3752.60304@neon-john.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-12-14 18:20:18 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 20:20:18 -0500

Raw message

Merry Christmas to Tim and the list.

I live in a very remote trout fishing resort area up in the Smoky
Mountains.  We're an RF-free zone.  No TV, no radio, no internet, no
nothing except satellite service.

I sell internet service both to the few full time residents as well as
to the motel guests.  I'm going to sell a "three day pass" for about $15
that will allow a typical guest internet access Friday afternoon,
Saturday and Sunday.

The lady who runs the store and motel is going to sell them as part of
the motel package by using pre-printed tickets.  Most customers will be
on smart phones.

I've done a couple of dry runs to see how the process works and found
something that could be improved on.

As you probably know, entering mixed text, numbers and special
characters is a real pain on a smart phone.  Especially for the password
which isn't shown on the screen.

I got REAL frustrated trying to enter a mixed character user ID and
especially the password.  I almost stomped my phone! :-)

So my request is this. I'd like to be able to print tickets with only
characters as the UID and password, preferably lower case only.

Yeah, I know that it, at least theoretically, would lower the security a
bit but security is a non-issue up here.  We did it last year
(pre-Grase) with a common WiFi password that we changed for each
weekend.  So maybe make this a configuration option.

Maybe also include an option for how long a UID and password should be.
 For here, I'd drop it down to maybe 4 or 5 characters.

Sound like a good idea?  Should be fairly simple to code.

Thanks again for the great package.  I've stayed with the stable release
and haven't had to touch the system since I got it up and running.

Merry Christmas, y'all,

John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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