2015-11-19 - Looking for a VM image or installation help!

Header Data

From: Thomas Crosbie <tc***7@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 6070a1f61d569ec4382078660c28050635bdbbb88d363ce9d46c39a119572c6c
Message ID: <2cff63ea-2196-4f95-8727-71b62b5b7784@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-11-19 09:00:18 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 08:00:18 -0800

Raw message

Hi there!

I'm trying to get GRASE installed to use at a local hotel/pub for free WiFi access, but I can not for the life of me get GRASE to install. Everytime I try to install it I get told my packages are missing or things are not installable yada yada yada. 

I'm not much of a Linux shell fan, but I was following both the ubuntu server and GRASE setup guides to no avail. 

So, does anyone have a VM image they'd like to share? It seems like other wifi hotspots (EasyHotspot etc) have pre installed ISOs or VM images.

Otherwise, I'd really like some help setting up manually. Was using 12.04 Ubuntu server as directed in the guide

Thanks in advance!

(P.S: I may consider donation to the most helpful person as well!)
