2016-04-09 - Upload speed problem due to mtu?

Header Data

From: Ali Farajpahlou <al***u@gmail.com>
Message Hash: e0fc9a8ae5390bff31c3ada625c6a90bb34c5e41995ba78d98be45f73c6e7a12
Message ID: <4be26113-f8ef-4517-9241-3d55ccfb8a8f@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-04-09 02:46:56 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2016 02:46:56 -0700

Raw message

hey there.

I've Noticed a problem with uploading files though the hotspot (client 
side) and after searching in the group and internet, and running some tests 
with MTU and ping testing with different MTU's (ping packet size), i found 
out that the problem is with mtu size.
all interfaces were set to MTU:1500 by default. changing them didn't fix 
the issue, and after checking and adding header size i still get that the 
MTU that is being applied to packets is 576.

if anyone has any idea about this problem, i would appreciate any 
suggestions. if u want more details about anything... I'm here :)

many thanx in advance and if my writing has problems, sry for my bad 
english :)
