2016-09-18 - unable to access internet via grase hotspot after 24 hours

Header Data

From: Rishabbh A Dua <du***h@gmail.com>
Message Hash: dccd71b500aa683777318cadbc4f2d13090cf13b50e5dc25b6e6c43ab1357178
Message ID: <2b87b610-00fe-40d4-93d0-3a4f2d43ae11@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-09-18 04:15:06 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 04:15:06 -0700

Raw message

Hi Experts

i am testing grase hotspot on raspberry pi 3.
With a lot of support from folks, we got it running somehow.

But during testing we saw a very peculiar issue.

After about 24 hours, we saw that a device which was earlier able to access 
internet via grase, now can connect with it but cant access internet.

I verified on several android mobile phones, an ubuntu desktop 16.04 LTS 
and a windows 10 machine

Any pointers whats happening.

