2017-02-10 - Re: setting up a samba share for the internal network to access

Header Data

From: Daniel Crusoe <di***n@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 526d44d13cc6f97ace1ef13f87a79428c6274949b8cca993839757403ffe9aa4
Message ID: <f3f78f28-2608-454c-9ea2-663cdcbd6ef8@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <ccc255e1-2582-44aa-a357-c3b2e5008898@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2017-02-10 16:37:31 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 15:37:31 -0800

Raw message

i found 
question on askubuntu and it is exactly what i want for my network, but i 
cant implement the solution, what am i doing wrong?

On Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 11:45:33 PM UTC+2, Daniel Crusoe wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new (well really old... haven't used any Linux flavors in almost 10 
> years and have forgotten most of it, having to re-teach myself everything 
> all over again, any way i digress) 
> I have two separate servers, the one is loaded with windows 2008 r2 and is 
> basically a glorified N.A.S. server, this is on the WAN side of my network, 
> i then have a second server setup with Ubuntu14.04 that i have installed 
> GRASE Hotspot onto and have setup a wireless network through this. what i 
> would like to do is be able to share the files that i mount on the Linux 
> server from the windows server to the internal network. (i know this is 
> possible as i had this working on a separate install without GRASE). my 
> problem seems that as soon as i setup the smb.conf file with an open guest 
> (read only) share (specifying the network cards), the GRASE stops working, 
> if i take out the specified network card, the server does not show in 
> network discovery.
> some step by step assistance (or point me to the right link) would be 
> highly appreciated
> Daniel (closeted N008)
> (i can try post more info and files if you want.... i am on a windows 
> machine on the WAN side and have no clue how to transfer the files, i just 
> transcribe from one machine to the other... its a mission) 
