2017-02-09 - setting up a samba share for the internal network to access

Header Data

From: Daniel Crusoe <di***n@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 55e72d92db4d95ae2a665f83ea7681718c586f1bcf0dc0f47976e36a8e87937a
Message ID: <ccc255e1-2582-44aa-a357-c3b2e5008898@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2017-02-09 14:45:32 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2017 13:45:32 -0800

Raw message


I am new (well really old... haven't used any Linux flavors in almost 10 
years and have forgotten most of it, having to re-teach myself everything 
all over again, any way i digress) 

I have two separate servers, the one is loaded with windows 2008 r2 and is 
basically a glorified N.A.S. server, this is on the WAN side of my network, 
i then have a second server setup with Ubuntu14.04 that i have installed 
GRASE Hotspot onto and have setup a wireless network through this. what i 
would like to do is be able to share the files that i mount on the Linux 
server from the windows server to the internal network. (i know this is 
possible as i had this working on a separate install without GRASE). my 
problem seems that as soon as i setup the smb.conf file with an open guest 
(read only) share (specifying the network cards), the GRASE stops working, 
if i take out the specified network card, the server does not show in 
network discovery.

some step by step assistance (or point me to the right link) would be 
highly appreciated

Daniel (closeted N008)

(i can try post more info and files if you want.... i am on a windows 
machine on the WAN side and have no clue how to transfer the files, i just 
transcribe from one machine to the other... its a mission) 
