2012-02-08 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Outgoing automatic emails - WHAT?

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 1c2ffd08d1194e5620eceb7a9fb722c201ad9087a961211c3fa2dbe1fd782d53
Message ID: <4F32785C.7040502@gmail.com>
Reply To: <201202081423.37860.solbu@solbu.net>
UTC Datetime: 2012-02-08 06:27:56 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 23:27:56 +1000

Raw message

On 08/02/12 23:23, Johnny Solbu wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 February 2012 14:15, Tim White wrote:
>> Johnny, are you using the Nginx version
> As I wrote erlier, I'm just helping with guidance and fixing things in shell, on one of the two locations.
> Meaning, I don't have it installed, but Frank have it in a school enviroment, and a friend of mine is testing at home. both of them live many hours away.
> But as I understand they installed by installing the repo-package and installing things from there. I believe they followed a guide you have on your site.
No problem. I only asked as the grep you did on the cron.d directory 
showed the grase-conf-nginx package was installed. I've not said much 
about the nginx package as it's still mostly in testing, so was hoping 
someone was using it and would give feed back.

When you say fixing things in shell, does that suggest that there are 
some difficulties in setting up the system? Please do give me feedback, 
as the aim is to have it very easy to setup and get running.


