2012-02-08 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Outgoing automatic emails - WHAT?

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: d9119e004881a2c9f74187e25b4253dbbb4598fbe646e58273e78565fc790998
Message ID: <4F32DBE4.5030301@gmail.com>
Reply To: <201202081509.02895.solbu@solbu.net>
UTC Datetime: 2012-02-08 13:32:36 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 06:32:36 +1000

Raw message

On 09/02/12 00:08, Johnny Solbu wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 February 2012 14:27, Tim White wrote:
>> When you say fixing things in shell, does that suggest that there are
>> some difficulties in setting up the system? Please do give me feedback,
>> as the aim is to have it very easy to setup and get running.
> There was some problems, yes.
> The main problem was due to the fact that we already had a workable nat system, where the various computers had static IPs, configured by static dhcp configuration,using bind9 as dns server and a working SQUID server.
> installing GRASE and it's various dependencies resulted in the network going down. For some reason the instructions we followed where not clear on the fact that this system overrules the existing system. It takes DOWN the local network, and replace it with it's own configuration. Meaning the existing network on 192.168.x.x no longer worked.
> We used about half an hour or so to figure out that we aren't supposed to configure anything else but installing grase.
> The instructions and/or FAQ should say something about this.

Ah. Yes indeed, something should be said about that. I guess because the 
instructions are from a "nothing" system, I didn't think about stating 
that, but I will. The FAQ is easy to throw it in, but I think it should 
be in the instructions as well. When you are installing from 
instructions, do people read the whole thing first, or just jump in? 
Should it just be a big warning box at the top?


