2015-08-04 - Connection through proxy

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From: Brett <02***5@melba.vic.edu.au>
Message Hash: c620410473ce8429953b62f30d391ea4da2dd9c50b3931d1854551e63f49b5f5
Message ID: <d382d1da-33a7-41e2-a106-cc38120914e7@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-08-04 20:05:30 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 20:05:30 -0700

Raw message


Have just set up 3.8 on Ubuntu 12.x (decided to try it this way first 
rather than install 14+). Works great however as a school we have an issue 
we need to solve. We are using it to allow students to connect to a Meraki 
based MDM and configure their own wireless. So certainly students can 
connect to the Grase Hotspot server and login but cannot access the wider 
internet as we are behind a proxy.

Our schools proxy setup for general student use is an ISA box which 
requires authentication. We also have access to an external proxy provided 
by the isp (netspace) which requires special authorization (ie credentials 
which are manually entered and not for public release)

I can get a student iPad without a problem to locate the landing page and 
login, however to proceed further students would have to go into the 
settings for the wireless network point, add an IP for the proxy and a port 
and then add in their network credentials to connect to the Meraki MDM and 
install certs and profiles. They would then need to disable this proxy 
setup and return to the http:/logout page to logout. You can see this would 
be a problematic procedure for students as a self service connection system.

So my question is there anyway to connect the hotspot internet via our 
proxy so that it is transparent to students but credentials are stored on 
the server running Grase?(and not exposed to students)

 I'd hoped that Grase might pick up system wide proxies set as an 
environment variable but it seems not so. Really keen for some help as we 
have come this far and the kiosk appears otherwise to do precisely what we 
need (thank you!!)

TIA Brett
