2017-03-28 - Re: Mystery ‘Administrative User’?

Header Data

From: Glyn <bo***1@gmail.com>
Message Hash: ba805bfce12f52807acde7da7e802cfd6be3ab5b433390deb6c5cc9adba49bbc
Message ID: <92f3b135-7a96-481c-b613-14d1039c5d3e@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <070853fa-8cac-4589-be61-671d5d9ff686@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2017-03-28 07:39:38 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 07:39:38 -0700

Raw message

Thanks Tim,
Now I realise what it is I think it should stay as a counter of total data.

One other question: as this system only uses free access accounts, is there 
a way to purge (as in delete, not disable) accounts that have been inactive 
for a set period? because free access accounts have no expiry there are a 
very large number of user accounts on the system (13,000 +) and I worry if 
this might affect db or other performance.....

On Monday, 27 March 2017 10:18:14 UTC+1, Glyn wrote:
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hRNAsNQZEHA/WNjYwFjrXgI/AAAAAAAAAAM/bg0ihBAZtTIaMqeIF0xJk2cdT_bb0XgUwCLcB/s1600/rb-au1.jpg>
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hRNAsNQZEHA/WNjYwFjrXgI/AAAAAAAAAAM/bg0ihBAZtTIaMqeIF0xJk2cdT_bb0XgUwCLcB/s1600/rb-au1.jpg>
> Hi all
> My hotspot has been running well for about 4 months now. It is confiugred 
> for Free Access only with a daily limit of 500Mb and 4 hours per day. There 
> is also one computer account for my phone.
> Over the last couple of days there is a mysterious 'Administrative-User' 
> account showing up in monitor sessions. It is using huge amounts of data 
> and is remaining logged in for days. When I first spotted it I was able to 
> track down the MAC address and then in the user list block and disable, but 
> it seems to have come back now with a MAC address of all zeros. In the 
> attached image is the current monitor sessions screenshot - the business 
> has only just opened, but you can see the od account has been on since last 
> night after i did a reboot to kick them off. When I was at the bar last 
> evening the wifi was very slow and even my unlimited phone access could 
> barely use the system.
> any ideas??
