2012-12-14 - [GRASE-Hotspot] 3.7.7 Release coming soon!

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: cfb5293c62099213cba57c0d485dbc5a43e027c3eafb20a853aab38bec4a06c8
Message ID: <50CBF1B8.7010107@gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-12-14 20:42:48 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 13:42:48 +1000

Raw message

Hey everyone.

I'm attempting to get a release out before christmas. I've "removed" 
some features I've been working on, as they aren't release ready, but at 
least this way we get some of the much needed fixes out soon.

The list of changes I'm hoping to have released are below.
   * Data and Time limits are no longer tied to $ amounts
   * Data, Time and Bandwidth options are customisable
   * DHCP Start/End options (fixes #85) thanks to Peter Boon
   * Ability to lock and unlock users (#77)
   * Tidyup Monitor sessions with pagination (#84, #90)

I also have the new freeradius config package that finally gets rid of 
the 4Gb ticket limit!

If you are willing to test these, please change your apt repositories to 
dev.packages.grasehotspot.org and install the packages (will be there 
shortly). They should be versions grase-www-portal 3.7.7 and 
grase-conf-freeradius 1.9.4

Feedback is much appreciated so I can release them properly. If you hit 
any glitches, head to packages.grasehotspot.org to download the current 
stable package and manually install it with dpkg.


