2016-08-22 - Monitoring performance - troubleshooting

Header Data

From: Glyn <bo***1@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 18bb86f20c08e88838f219caacc552c4a46cfa4b7a2618b80963df483b6d766d
Message ID: <c33d7680-238a-4b15-884d-6dbafdebe061@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-08-22 05:01:03 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2016 05:01:03 -0700

Raw message

Hi All
I recently posted that I had set up a raspberry pi based version of Grase 
to replace a very old install at my local pub. The old system had many 
computer accounts for locals and staff phones, and 1 hour vouchers were 
used for all other customers.  The total internet bandwidth availalble was 
only approx 8Mb but that seemed to work OK. The new system is on a separate 
internet connection with about 20Mb available, and all users are in the 
free access group (with the exception of my phone which still has a 
computer account).
Since it has been in performance has been terrible with poor connections 
and very intermittent working even for my phone account. I have done the 
usual checking for wifi interference etc. and have completed one tweek to 
fully disable ipV6 (read about that somewhere here).
I have today configured port forwarding (of obfuscated ports) to be able to 
access the admin portal, ssh and webmin from home so am able to run tests a 
lot easier. i have uploaded the support info tool output to 
https://paste.grasehotspot.org/view/38e35c0f .
My main concern is that I may have configured the free access group 
incorrectly. Currently I have set it fas in the attached screenshot - my 
intention is that users should be able to start a new session when the hour 
is up or the idle timeout is passed. I have also dropped the dhcp lease 
time to 30 minutes to ensure that addresses are not all used although now I 
have also limited to 75 users so that may not be as important.

I would welcome any feedback on how I can monitor or troubleshoot the 
performance issues or if anyone has hit a limit when using a raspberry pi 
based system.

