2016-10-28 - Re: Monitoring performance - troubleshooting

Header Data

From: Glyn <bo***1@gmail.com>
Message Hash: d35faad0e0334a39c6e921c33c669797b1adb083eb3899e0b5fb630f9b718fda
Message ID: <b95e9ef8-6f35-44d3-a975-22a6fe4a5480@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <c33d7680-238a-4b15-884d-6dbafdebe061@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2016-10-28 05:44:02 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 05:44:02 -0700

Raw message

Just thought I'd update on this, but the news is not good. I am begining to 
doubt my sanity.
Two days ago I built a completely new installation on a new system with a 
known good usb / eth adaptor and this time using a SATA HD via a USB 
adaptor as I was worried that the overhead of accessing the sd card for 
logging an journalling might be slowing things down. At home I was able to 
stress test it with as many devices as I had using high bandwidth 
applications and is stood up to all this ust fine.
Today I tooke it to site and set things up and although it seemed OK soon 
ground to a halt. I found that about 20 users were active and I could 
barely get to the admin page anymore and no-one seemed to be getting any 
decent performance. Looking at it now from home I can see there are over 20 
active sessions right now and about 70 free access users have been created 
since I put it live 3 hours ago! looking at the sessions many of them are 
moving hardly any data and this correlates with the reports and my 
experience of it slowing down.
I firmly believe the Pi set up is fine now and am looking at tweeking the 
AP settings but I know that had worked for years with the old set up. The 
BT hub has wifi enabled and I use that as a back door on site and to access 
the settings to create my port forwarding rules to the Pi - so this tells 
me it is noet wifi interference per se.
I would welcome ay suggestions about where I can look next - it is not 
practical to go back to the old laptop solution long term because of where 
the router is but I might try a rebuild of that and see what happens - 
otherwise I am going to walk away and tell them to either open up the wifi 
on the router or buy a system.....
