2016-08-26 - Re: Power Off and User Re-Login

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From: Hotspotuser <jo***s@algardata.pt>
Message Hash: 2a38dc1b0afcd9fedab30f486b5d0a0e527ad0d559319dd1526bf7aa3d8d6d76
Message ID: <87e7e616-aba6-4f03-adb1-316d41002990@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <556a85bd-0b62-4265-9630-407a82082c4e@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2016-08-26 02:28:20 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2016 02:28:20 -0700

Raw message


you dont need to edit ANY chilli file.

You only have to make a new PHP file, for instance "reconnect.php", with 
the code I provided before

and save it to the following directory */usr/share/grase/www/radmin/scripts*

Then edit the */etc/rc.local* file, for instance; *nano /etc/rc.local *and 
add the following line (BEFORE) the line with *exit 0* 

    wget ""

And reboot the machine... 

You should now have a fully working solution... try it!

quinta-feira, 25 de Agosto de 2016 às 22:10:26 UTC+1, Eliot Ness escreveu:
> I see that on examples they use freebsd, and file that content the params 
> is on /var/run/chilli.sock
> On ubuntu 14.04 this file does not exist, and im afraid that there is not 
> chilli.sock at all 
> Your example is great but which file to modify? Confused
> On Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 9:40:51 AM UTC+3, Eliot Ness wrote:
>> At least one Pi2 comes yesterday in my hands, and ....grase run again.
>> Detailed tutorial steps install on next days.
>> As simple question : On power off or reboot, user have login again, 
>> except if admin store mac adr.
>> Is there any way on grase to remember users after reboot ? So no need 
>> user to login again....
>> Anyone?
